Monday, November 24, 2014

The Show Must Go On: Stories

*I got all these from stories I read online*

Story 1: Hello, Deer!
On the Hello, Dolly tour they performed at an outdoor theatre (Starlight Theatre in Kansas City) and a deer came on stage. Carol Channing turned to the deer and said "I believe this is my scene"

Story 2: My Weave
Laura Bell Bundy's wig come off during Bend and Snap she turned to Paulette and asked her "Can you help me put my hair back on?"

Story 3: Bang Bang!
During a show of West Side Story when Tony gets shot, the gun shot didn't go off so Chino turned around and yelled "BANG!"

Story 4: Beauty and the Scene
The harness wasn't attached to the Beast for the transformation. The actor simply got up and took of his mask.

Story 5: Omigod You Guys!
The trap door (That brings Elle up for her first appearance) opened for a set to rise up and it got stuck for a few minutes. Annaleigh Ashford (Margot) bounced up and down on the stage and yelled (In character), "Omigod, you guys! There's a big hole in the floor!"

Story 6: What's the matter with kids today?
During a Newsies performance, in the scene where Jeremy Jordan (Jack Kelly) and Kara Lindsay (Katherine Plumber) kiss, a little kid in the audience yelled, "that was disgusting!", Kara was visibly trying not to laugh.

Story 7: You've got some explaining to do Chino.
One night during a run of WEST SIDE STORY, Chino forgot his gun so he threw his shoe at Tony. Then, after Tony has died, Maria turns to Chino and ad libs "Why, Chino? Why the Poisoned Boot?!"

Story 8: You can't get a man with a gun.
During a show of West Side Story after Tony gets shot and Maria goes crazy and says something like "I could kill you, and you, and you, and you and still have a bullet left for me." Maria accidentally fired the gun at Consuela, and Consuela than died on stage and yelled "You bitch!"

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